About Soil & Plants

About Soil & Plants

Chat with the Soil family and learn all about soil!

“A fun way to learn about soil and its impact on the plants we grow.” T W Warwick 

Whether you’re growing food for nations, your family or simply creating a beautiful garden – the soil you plant in has a major effect on the success on what you finally produce. 

In this fun book, we speak to the Soil family who have all the answers to your problems 

Enjoy an entertaining and informative chat with the Soil family & learn: 
• Which plants grow best in each soil type
• How to improve your soil
• How to deal with soil deficiencies
• How soil is created 
• What soil is made up of 
• The strengths and weaknesses of each soil type
• How to create your own compost

PLUS Bonuses for printed book lovers: 
• Soil’s global functions 
• A comprehensive list of plants for different soil types by Common name & Latin name 
• And, Soil’s global functions.

About Soil & Plants is available as a beautiful, full-colour printed, hardback book, that includes information about all aspects of soil as well as an exciting audio version and a digital text-only version for viewing on tablets, phones and Kindle.
Hardback printed version £ 16
Paperback printed version
ebook for tablets/Kindles/phones £ 5