Our Books

Our Books

A Year of Wild Flowers & Plants
In this book, we take a month-by-month walk through the countryside and discover a few of the plants – both common and unusual – to look out for each month.
Plant Stories
In this book we offer you many new narratives with a sprinkling of traditional stories retold for modern readers. Myths & fables encompassing African legends and typical UK plants.
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Meet the Pollinators
This book offers a fun way to meet and gain a better understanding of Nature’s troupe of pollinators. We give you an insight into the tricks that flowers play to attract suitable pollinators; plus the threats to pollinators.
Wetland Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, Mosses, Ferns & Horsetails
Take a walk through a wetland and its surrounding area and see the plants growing there and learn why they are important, what they look like and their incredible techniques for survival.
About Soil & Plants
We speak to the Soil family in this fun book, and discover the answers to all your soil problems including: Which plants grow best in each soil type and managing your soil. PLUS Bonuses for printed book lovers.
About Climate Change & Plants
Take a walk through the climate regions of the world and discover how plants are coping in changing climatic conditions. Which plants survive and what plants should we be planting in our region?
Plant Bulbs
Includes images and descriptions of over 120 suitable bulbs for different planting situations. It details each plant’s needs plus planting instructions and offers a year-round guide on how to care for your bulbs !
Plant Trees & Bushes
Discover over 250 trees & bushes for different planting situations & needs. PLUS: Design and specialist techniques for their planting, care & management to help you create the garden/terrace of your dreams.
Grow Vegetables
This book includes over 120 vegetable descriptions, nutritional & cooking information, vegetable garden design, planting instructions, planting companions,  & how best to care for your vegetables.